312-861-0931 Caller ID Information

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Location: Chicago, Illinois

Carrier: Ameritech Illinois

Phone Type: Landline

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    Basic Information

    • Area code: 312
    • Subcode: 312-861
    • City: Chicago
    • State: Illinois - IL
    • Country: United States
    • Latitude: 41.88
    • Longitude: -87.62
    • Ocn: 9329
    • Zip: 60602
    • Lata: 358
    • Current Time: Central (19:37:19)
    • Dialed in the U.S.: (312) 861-0931
    • International: +1 (312) 861-0931 / 001 (312) 861-0931

    (312) 861-0931 Recent Activity ( Display the latest 5 vote information )

    Dearborn, MI, United States
    Guests mark number 312-861-0931 as
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    Please accurately mark the security level of this number! help others! If you have any information about the caller. Please give us feedback, please mark the identity of the caller here. Please accurately mark it according to the information you know. This can help more people.

    See what other users have said?

    I received an unsolicited call from a woman whom said she represented this company and wanted to find me better car insurance. I asked how she got my phone number because I have only given that phone number to 2 people on the planet and that was my husband and my daughter, and she was neither. She tried to keep going through her scripted speech and I insisted on knowing where she bought my phone number from. She hung up on me, so I called back. She hung up again, and I called back and demanded to speak to a supervisor. This went on for a couple dozen times and then I decided to play along to get to another person. The first time I refused to give out my current insurance companies name, and I was hung up on again, so I called back. This time I said well lets just pull a name out of a hat and choose one. I actually said this out loud so it was obvious that I was naming something not true and she accepted my answer and said it was great. Got all the way through her questions, even though I wasn't giving my personal information. Was told that I was being transferred to a local insurance agent representative, but that didn't happen and the call was disconnected. Called back and tried again, sometimes being hung up on very quickly and sometimes getting through some of the questions and only a few times through all the questions and then told I qualify and saying they are transferring me, but no transfer happens. Finally on about the 40th call I get transferred to a man who is a supposed local insurance agent. By now it has been a good hour of dealing with this company and I'm angry for the unsolicited buying/stealing of my private phone number which I use only when I'm in the hospital. Again I demand to know how they got my phone #. If you are going to buy it and harass me with an unsolicited phone call, then I have the right to know how you attained it in order to bother me in an unsolicited manner. Again I was hung up on. Went back to dealing again with the original woman and on call back number 62 I was sent to a man who claimed he was a supervisor, claimed he would remove my number and never call me again, but refused to tell me how my phone # was attained. If you are calling people and you don't know how you attained that phone #, then I would say that you are doing something you should not and that this is a scam. They kept saying they could save me hundreds of dollars a month, which I know is not possible, because if they saved me even $200 per 6 month time period, then I'd be paying about $80 per month for 3 cars (fairly new cars and not old clunkers) and you don't get a rate like that without seriously downgrading the amount of coverage that you have. The last few times I called, the woman I was talking to all of a sudden started saying that this insurance wasn't available in my area, which I know to be a lie, because afterwards I called a couple local agents in my area from the insurance companies spoken of by this company and insurance was ABSOLUTELY AVAILABLE in my area. I can't stand people that lie and this company absolutely lied and because of that I can clearly say, BEWARE of this company and it's unsolicited phone calls. They are liars and scammers and I hope that this review helps to warn people about doing business with this company. Initial call from them came at 10:38 am EST on 5/10/2021 and 62 calls later, they last one was at 11:33am EST on 5/10/2021

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    Consumers suffer losses due to mobile phone fraud every month, millions or more per month! Therefore, we have established this sharing platform. You can share phone numbers that you think are suspicious. If the scam has occurred, please file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission.

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